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One size fit all is just a fad these days as far as customer experience is concerned. Customers demand brands to be present in the channels they sit.

They demand instant replies to their inquiries. They expect brands to know and recognize their early behaviors and to personalize experiences to their liking.

Delivering such personalized experiences depends on improved customer communications that enable personalization, automation, and a data-driven strategy.

With the retail competition migrating onto digital channels, it has never been more critical to delivering online customer experiences that delight and attract consumers. It is the contrast between a single purchase and a loyal customer who will come back time and time again.

While many businesses realize the need for excellent digital experiences, a great deal less can defeat the challenges of executing the required changes.

Here are the challenges that you will need to address:

Promoting Consistent Journeys

Today’s customer expects an omnichannel experience. They should not suffer because you’re incompetent to handle a particular channel as well as another.

Brands have to offer a range of channels, but according to the customers’ expectations. It’s more important to the consumer to have many available channels run impeccably with perfect functionality than to have many irregular experiences.

Balancing Personalization

Personalization enhances the number of positive reviews from customers and strengthens brand perception.

Simple personalization is all about precisely offering the right information at the right time. It is about helping customers reach unique goals and have an experience that seems genuine.

When personalization works, your customer feels recognized – and not as if someone is invading their privacy.

Leveraging Actionable Analytics

Quantitative experience data has traditionally been challenging to access. Outside of immediately asking customers if the digital communications they have with a retailer are upbeat and engaging, how do we know what is working and what is not?

By applying machine learning algorithms, these activities can be analyzed to indicate the customers’ state of mind and ascertain how engaged they are.

Brands can understand experiences across their digital properties and know where to concentrate their resources to make the most impactful changes.

Now that we have addressed challenges, let us look at critical digital customer experience trends that every brand should know in 2020:

The IoT-era with AI has brought us a hyper-connected world of real-time experiences and instant feedback. By connecting both AI and chatbot technology with social messaging platforms, brands will automate and personalize their communication.

Voice assistant technology is exhibiting strong rates of acceptance. We have seen several eCommerce brands sell their products through voice commerce. Still, we anticipate this trend to rise in 2020. To keep up with this trend, brands will need to reinvest in voice-enabled speakers to kiosk screens and everything in between.

AR overlays data and visuals onto a real-world setting. Many new adopters are following the AR trend for product demonstrations and support.

IKEA’s AR app enables customers to visualize products in their living and workspaces virtually, so they can see the polished product before they purchase.

Things are endlessly developing, which means companies need to find innovative ways to meet their customers’ needs. The global market is shifting from selling products to selling services. This shift will be even more noticeable in the years to come.

It is time for businesses to re-imagine business strategies, particularly on what they are selling to customers. Its time businesses understand that customer experience begins with employees and creating a cohesive culture. Many human resource officers are now taking on the job of passing impactful employee experience.

Businesses are striving to find better ways to relate to their customers and produce extraordinary experiences. However, the solution is simple; your customers need to feel understood and recognized.

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