Get in Touch for a strategic DevSecOps and AI/ML consultation today!

Redefine Speed-to-Market by Powering Your DevSecOps with AI and ML

By 2023, 40% of DevOps teams will use application and infrastructure monitoring apps with integrated AI for IT operations platforms

Speed and precision are imperative if enterprises are to stay ahead of the competition. DevOps has brought a paradigm shift in the technology space by empowering development and operations teams to work collaboratively, hand-in-hand, and ensure faster time-to-market. Deploying DevOps that hinge on intelligently designed systems and are underpinned by comprehensive security (DevSecOps) is the need of the hour for global enterprises.

CriticalRiver can help reduce operational complexities and accelerate digital transformation with advanced AI/ML and DevSecOps tools. With 100+ years of combined industry experience, we deliver the following:

  1. Assessment services for current state assessment of DevSecOps tools and processes
  2. Real-time analytical reports indicating DevSecOps maturity levels to track progress
  3. Standard reference architectures to manage DevSecOps services for software dev and managed services
  4. Engineering services to develop and manage DevSecOps solutions
  5. AIOps for recommendations on capacity management and cost reduction up to 25%
  6. Root Cause Analysis of infrastructure incidents with AIOps for faster resolution and MTTR reduction up to 35%
  7. Continuous learning and improvement with AIOps on capacity management and root cause identification
  8. Leverage AIOps to provide a complete context for recommendations and root causes
  1. Assessment services for current state assessment of DevSecOps tools and processes
  2. Real-time analytical reports indicating DevSecOps maturity levels to track progress
  3. Standard reference architectures to manage DevSecOps services for software dev and managed services
  4. Engineering services to develop and manage DevSecOps solutions
  5. AIOps for recommendations on capacity management and cost reduction up to 25%
  6. Root Cause Analysis of infrastructure incidents with AIOps for faster resolution and MTTR reduction up to 35%
  7. Continuous learning and improvement with AIOps on capacity management and root cause identification
  8. Leverage AIOps to provide a complete context for recommendations and root causes

Our Solution Offerings

Cloud Migration and Optimization as a Service

Application and
Infrastructure Discovery

Identify apps running on various servers
and network devices and map
dependencies between them. Discover,
map, and build a holistic view of your


Get a detailed analysis of existing apps to
– Extract Key business rules and process
- Calculate complexity, risk and technical debt
- Automatically evaluate the innovation to
technical debt cost ratio and TCO improvement
through modernization


Supports a transformational journey to
modern, scaleable cloud-native applications to
maximize value from existing IT investments.
Achieve faster speed-to-market, competitive
advantage, and cost savings while enabling
your DX journey from legacy to cloud


Automated provisioning with
Infrastructure-as-a-Code, scalable
servers, eliminate server state mismatch,
bring up servers in deploy real state


Eliminate configuration mismatch, ensure
automated, error-free, faster configuration
deployment, single tool management for all
environments, and configuration of activity reports

Automate continuous integration/

End-to-end automation, deployment,
and integration for improved team
productivity, business agility,
and reliability
AI/ML Models-as-a-Service

Intelligent Capacity

Optimize cloud infrastructure with
recommendations on rightsizing hybrid/
multi-cloud resources

Incident Clustering and Root
Cause Analysis

Identifying incidents clusters
and probable resolution through Root
Cause Analysis

Automate Predictive

Workflow automation to implement
validated and approved

Combine AI/ML with DevOps practices to create continuous development, integration, and delivery (CI/CD) of data and machine learning applications.

Accelerate AI/ML-based value for your business

MLOps helps to find faster and simpler ways to productize machine learning projects so that they can make an impact on the business.

Increase team productivity and eliminate silos

The major challenges stem from the fact that the data science team frequently works in isolation, is walled off from the engineering View Moreand DevOps teams, and uses manual development procedures that must be manually transformed into ML pipelines that are suitable for production. By integrating all of these activities, MLOps-as-a-Service contributes to a team's increased productivity.View Less

Provide reliable and reproducible results

MLOps helps to create repeatable and reusable stages for your data preparation, training, and scoring processes using machine learning pipelines.

Monitor, explain, and improve model behavior and accuracy

When you use MLOps, you promote automation and monitoring at all stages of the development of ML systems, monitor, integration, testing, releasing, deployment, and infrastructure management.

The CriticalRiver Edge

We help drive a robust and streamlined migration and optimization journey with a well-structured approach to going cloud-native. Partner with us for:

  • Demonstrated track record
  • 100% cloud-certified professionals
  • Ensure business continuity through the migration
  • Cloud consulting, strategy, and end-to-end road map implementation plan
  • Proven best practices in data security and governance
  • Cloud optimization and integration with existing applications
  • Better scalability, efficiency, and time-to-market
  • Seamless and streamlined cloud transformation, on budget and on time

Let’s Start Something New

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