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Staying Engaged Helped Veronica Deal With Postpartum Depression

Although motherhood is one of the most joyous experiences for a woman, it has a flip side too called postpartum depression. No one knows it better than Veronica Aquino, Senior HR Manager at the Philippines office. Back in 2021, when Veronica delivered her first baby, she suffered from postpartum depression. Frequent mood swings, anxiety, insomnia and depressive episodes have all been a part of her life in the days following the birth of her daughter.

“I had lost interest in everything. I came from a stressful environment and that too affected and triggered my postpartum depression,” Veronica said.

Returning to work after the birth of a baby can be a daunting task for a mom and it was the same for Veronica. Sometimes women worry about catching up on work. At other times, a new mother worries about leaving the baby with a care provider. One of the most difficult tasks is to find a new routine after time off.

“I am thankful to my family and friends who have supported me through this,” she said.

When CriticalRiver reached out to her with a new job, she agreed to take up the responsibility.

Within a few months, work and friends helped her recover from the depression.

The voice of each employee is valued at CriticalRiver, she said, adding that having a good culture where helping is a two-way practice is imperative for mothers like her.

What has worked for Veronica to get out of the depression is staying engaged and connected to the people, she said. Added to this, was the support she got from her office folks in all her work.

“Aside from my family and baby, CriticalRiver, now my second family, is my motivation to keep going,”Veronica said.

Challenges will keep coming, but you will also have people around who will help you attain your goals, said the motivated mother.

“We all come in with our different perspectives. But it feels great to be feel included in the organization despite the diversity,” she said, hoping she would have more years with CriticalRiver.

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